Rules of the Game

Objective: To get the ball to a 3, 2, 1 point line on the game board and then shoot the physical basketball to gain points and win the game. At the decided end of the game the player with the most points is the winner.

To play the game: roll the dice, move all pieces, steal if possible, shoot using hoop


Basic Rules:  
The game board is set up with 3 player pieces each, where the player with the ball is the offensive.
Playing Offense:
o   To decide which player plays offense first roll one dice and the player with the highest number is the offensive player and the other side is playing defense
o   Only one player piece may occupy a space on the grid at one time.
The offensive player rolls their 3 dice first
o    Once the dice have been rolled the player gets to assign a die to each player piece on the board
o   The player should move each player piece the number of spaces the number that the assigned die reads.
o   The offensive player also has the option of passing the ball in which case the game player does not roll the dice and instead forgoes their turn in order to coordinate a pass
o    The ball can only be passed once during a game player’s turn. The ball must be passed a minimum of 2 times before trying to shoot.
  Once the offensive player gets the ball to the 3 point, 2 point or 1 point line on the game board they have the option of shooting
o    In order to shoot, the physical basketball hoop included with game must be used.
o   The player also has the option of choosing a trivia card instead of using the physical hoop.

  Using the trivia cards:
o    The trivia card can only be picked up at either the 2 or 1 point line and only earn the player 1 point each. When choosing a trivia card the opposing player must pick a card and read the question for you.

Playing defense
o   The game player playing defense follows the same rules for moving their game pieces however they also have the option of stealing.
o   In order to steal, the player substitute a motion dice with the steal die. The two motion dice can be assigned to player pieces while the steal die tells the defensive player whether they are allowed to steal or not.
o   In order to steal the ball the defensive player pieces must be vertically or horizontally one spot away from the offensive player pieces with the ball.
o   Once the ball has been stolen, a turn has to pass before the steal die can be rolled again.

·Chance Spots
o   On the game board, there are several spots a player can land on that are chance spots.
o    If a player lands here, they must pick up a chance card that will give them instructions that they must follow. These instructions will either help the player or put the player at a disadvantage so a strategy to follow can be to avoid these spots.

 Shooting the ball using the hoop
o   Before starting the game, predetermine the 3,2 and 1 point boundaries in the space you are planning to decide how you will allocate points

Try to move all the player pieces simultaneously, whether you are playing offense or defense rather than just moving one piece at a time. This allows for better passing and stealing and generally more movement on the game board. Also remember that basketball is a two- player game so focus on the other player’s actions and movements just as much as yours to ensure success.